Male Pattern Baldness Cause and Possible Treatments

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss (MPHL), also known as androgenetic alopecia (AGA), affects a majority of men by the age of 40 plus.

In fact around one-third of men are already suffering from AGA by the age of 30. For those who start losing their hair in their teenage years or 20s, this problem can be especially devastating.

DHT — The Main Culprit

The cause behind AGA is due to the adverse impact of androgens upon human hair follicles. In particular, the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) attacks scalp hair follicles in those with the genetic susceptibility.


Over time, DHT gradually shrinks hair follicles to the point of no return when they become fine miniaturized vellus hairs that are invisible to the naked eye.

Note that DHT is a derivative of testosterone, with the former much more potent than the latter.

Ironically, while dihydrotestosterone hurts scalp hair growth, it benefits body hair growth. In early childhood and into puberty, DHT is crucial for male genitalia differentiation and subsequent development. DHT also ensures growth of body hair in your men.

However, in later years, DHT causes prostate gland enlargement and male pattern hair loss. Most research seems to indicate that reducing DHT levels in later years does not seem to cause any major health problems in men.

Two Officially Approved Treatments

To date, there have only been two US FDA approved treatments for AGA.

  • The first of these is topical Minoxidil, which was originally approved to treat hair loss in men in 1988. At the time, it came in a 2% topical lotion via the brand name Rogaine, and required a prescription.
    Today, technology has progressed to the point that you can purchase the much more effective 5% Regenepure Precision Minoxidil Hair Loss Treatment Spray without any prescription wordwide.
  • The second of these is oral Finasteride. This was first approved in 1997 via the brand name Propecia. It came in a 1mg per day dosage and also required a prescription.
    The main problem with Finasteride is that many people taking the drug end up getting side effects such as reduced libido and gynecomastia. This is not an issue with Minoxidil.

Most doctors will recommend a combination treatment in which patients suffering from hair loss utilize both Minoxidil and Finasteride on a daily basis.

You can find numerous before and after photos on the internet of men, who regrew substantial quantities of scalp hair while taking both Finasteride and Minoxidil.

Other Treatment Options

If both the above medications fail, people have a few other options:

— Prescription antiandrogens such as Flutamide and Spironolactone.

— Low-level laser therapy (LLLT).

— Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment.

— Hair transplants.

— Toupees and other hair systems.

— Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) procedures.

— Shave it all off!